Rekindle the Fire

By Justine Jordaan

“I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you”  – ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

When we mention the word fire, perhaps a few images come to mind; a warm, cosy fireside in winter or a vibrant braai over the weekend. Whatever the image, it doesn’t take much to start a fire – all you need is a little spark and some air, and before you know it you could have a whole forest in flames.

Paul encouraged Timothy to “fan into flame” – this has the idea of stirring up a fire to keep it burning bright and strong. A fire left to itself will always burn out, but God wants us to keep our gifts burning strong for Him.

Do you know that God has placed gifts inside you? Think for a moment what they could be. How can you stir up the passion and desire to be used by God in the season you are in? Perhaps it’s joining a community of believers in a Connect Group. Or joining a serving team on Sundays in the area of your gifting. Or even simply spending a little more time each day in prayer, and reading the Word.

All it takes is a little spark… fan it, and you’ll soon have a roaring fire.